JavaScript — Object Oriented Programming: Encapsulation / Abstraction
An article for Mid level JavaScript Developers.
This is part of a series “JavaScript — Object Oriented Programming”
Encapsulation — Binding the data members with the member functions. It helps to control the data and validate it.
Abstraction — Hiding the implementation details and showing only the functionality to the users.
Encapsulation in Javascript
To achieve an encapsulation : -
— Make data members private.
— Use setter methods to set the data and getter methods to get that data.
createPerson has a private variable _name
Underscore _
is only a convention. It doesn’t enforce rule.
Here _name can be modified only via its getters and setters i.e. data member is tightly bound to its member functions.
function createPerson(name) {
let _name = name;
return {
// Getters
getName() {
return _name;
// Setters
setName(newName) {
_name = newName;
}const p1 = createPerson('Harvey');
const p2 = createPerson('Mike');console.log(p1._name); // undefined
console.log(p1.getName()); // Harvey
console.log(p2.getName()); // Mike
p1._name = 'Donna';
console.log(p1.getName()); // Harvey
console.log(p1.getName()); // Louis
Below image shows how getName has a closure _name
Abstraction in Javascript
To achieve an abstraction : -
— Shouldn’t allow to create an instance of Abstract Class, but allow to inherit from it, resulting in reduced code.
We cannot create an instance of Abstract Class Vehicle, it will throw error.
But we are able to inherit from it.
//Creating a constructor function
function Vehicle() {
this.vehicleName = 'vehicleName';
throw new Error('You cannot create an instance');
Vehicle.prototype.display = function() {
return 'Vehicle is: ' + this.vehicleName;
};//Creating a constructor function
function Bike(vehicleName) {
this.vehicleName = vehicleName;
//Creating object without using the function constructor
Bike.prototype = Object.create(Vehicle.prototype);// var vehicle = new Vehicle();
// Throws Errorvar bike = new Bike('Honda');
console.log("bike instanceof Vehicle - "+(bike instanceof Vehicle));
console.log("bike instanceof Bike - "+(bike instanceof Bike));
— Make data member function private. (Hiding the implementation details and showing only the functionality to the users.)
Below example has private variable privateVar
and method privateMethod
Wrapped in constructor function but not prefixed with this
function TempClass(param) {
this.classMember = param;
var privateVar = 'privateVal';
function privateMethod() {
// private variables can be accessed here
return privateVar;
this.privilegedMethod = function() {
// private method can be accessed here
return privateVar;
var myClass = new TempClass('value');